Just a few clicks away!
You’re organizing an event?
Give the info to the tourist office fast!
The event will be integrated into the Online agenda on the www.tourisme-arize-leze.com sites, as well as www.ariegepyrenees.com.
It can also be distributed via a monthly entertainment newsletter (provided the information is filled in before the 20th of the current month for an event to be announced over the following month).
And for events taking place from late June to early September, the tourist office publishes the Guide to Summer Festivities every year, for distribution from late June to the local population (reception in letterboxes) and to holidaymakers throughout the summer. To appear in this guide, information must reach us before May 20, 2023.

QUID posters
We don’t post on the walls of our premises.
The billboard on the wall of the public toilets at the Grotte du Mas d’Azil is managed by the tourist office. It is dedicated to events only. As space is limited, local events are given priority. It is updated at least once a week in the off-season, and as soon as necessary in the summer. Posters should be no larger than A3 (A4 recommended).
Please note: Event organizers sometimes send us posters by e-mail. In this case, we do not print the posters for display in the cave. It’s up to the organizers to send us a paper version.