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©Fresco interpretation center at the Grotto|Nos cœurs voyageurs - Ariège-Pyrénées Tourisme

Places to visit

Discover the various tour sites that line the Arize and Lèze valleys near Mas d’Azil. In the heart of Ariège, you’ll enjoy the natural site of the Grotte du Mas d’Azil, and guided tours of the upper caves to learn more about Prehistory.

Remember the large dome on the hillside in Sabarat, which is none other than the only oastronomical observatory in Ariège.

Visit the different museums: from the work of Enlightenment philosopher Pierre Bayle, to the imaginary retranscribed at the Musée de l’Affabuloscope… you’ll also be transported back in time thanks to the forest trail at Xploria, which lets you follow the evolution of animal and plant species since the creation of the Universe like an open-air natural history museum!

The largest choice to prepare your stay